November 8, 2021
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Dame Linda Dobbs awarded Lifetime Achievement Award

08. NOV 2021

Dame Linda Dobbs has been awarded the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award by The First 100 years.

Featured regularly in the Power 100 List of 100 Influential Black Britons, Dame Linda Dobbs became the first non-white high court judge in the UK. At the Bar she was a member of, and chaired, a number of committees, including the Race Relations, Equal Opportunities, International, Professional Conduct and Professional Standard Committees. In 2003 she became the Chairman of the Criminal Bar Association where she set up its first Equality and Diversity sub-committee. Whilst on the High Court Bench she was the Senior Liaison Judge for Diversity, Chair of the Magisterial Committee of the Judicial Studies Board and Chair of the International Committee of the Judicial College and a Fawcett Commissioner.

The First 100 years was set up by Dana Denise-Smith in 2019 with the mission statement to ensure equal opportunities for all women in the legal profession by raising awareness of their history and inspiring future generations.

Dame Linda Dobbs said:

“It is an honour to have been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the First 100 years. I hope that the Bar continues to attract, retain and elevate women within the profession building on the success achieved thus far.”

Dame Linda Dobbs is the founder of RL Consulting which was set up in 2019 and provides consulting services to law firms, governments, NGOs, corporations and institutions.

For more information on Dame Linda Dobbs please see: [Dame Linda Dobbs]

For more information on RLConsulting please see: [Red Lion Consulting]

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