A webinar presented by RLConsulting members Sara Carnegie [CHAIR] and Mark Guthrie as well as panellists John F. Sherman, III (Business and Human Rights Advisor), Dominic Parker, (Managing Director, Fitzrovian Africa), Professor Andrew MacLeod (Kings College London and Chairman of Griffin), with additional speakers David Ziyambi (Partner, Latham & Watkins) and Faisal Siddiqui, (Deputy Chief Compliance Officer at IFC/World Bank Group).

This webinar will look at the following:

  • The Rule of Law and the critical foundational role it plays for post conflict development.
  • The importance of good governance in drawing in foreign investment, and how this should be perceived as a benefit rather than a hurdle in doing business.
  • The independence of the judiciary and effective and efficient legal systems and procedures as being conducive to foreign investment and confidence in cross border commercial transactions.
  • The relevance of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ESG and mandatory human rights due diligence in attracting foreign investment in post conflict countries.
