April 19, 2021
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RL Consultant Mark Guthrie writes Book Review for Law Gazette

19. APR 2021

Mark Guthrie has awarded the ‘Research Handbook on Torture: Legal and Medical Perspectives on Prohibition and Prevention’ by Malcolm D Evans and Jens Modvig a 5 star review. Writing for the Law Society Gazette, Mark said that the book was:

“a valuable source of reference for a wide range of readers, from students and scholars on the one hand, to legal and medical practitioners on the other, who are concerned with the protection and promotion of human rights.”

Mark Guthrie is a member of RLConsulting. He is a former head of rule of law at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London and deputy head of human rights at OSCE/ODIHR in Warsaw.

Read Book Review here: [Law Gazette]

Learn more about: [RLConsulting]

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